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LiposuctionSide effects of liposuction Everything you need to know ~ Advantages of Korean liposuction

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Side effects of liposuction

I would like to take the time to tell Dr. Fanny of Korea K-Line Plastic Surgery Clinic one by one about the questions I have about liposuction. There are probably many people who think that liposuction is not for highly obese people. More than half of those who request liposuction are aiming to remove fat from areas that do not fall out no matter how much they diet, rather than being highly obese. So, in order to approach liposuction, the focus should be on whether or not these fats that do not fall out can be effectively removed.

Today, let's take some time to find out how to make the fat part of the part that does not fall out from the basic information about liposuction into a balanced body.

  • Who needs liposuction?

In the past, people who had a lot of overall weight due to severe obesity had a lot of inquiries about liposuction, but recently, counseling for fat removal in localized parts of the body such as thighs, arms, and lower abdomen that does not lose weight even after dieting is available. has increased drastically. This is because the fat in certain areas does not fall out no matter how much you exercise or diet.

Even in liposuction, surgery to see the proper effect can have a better effect than liposuction of a specific area that does not fall out even if you go on a diet than those who are highly obese.

  • Is there any weight change or yo-yo phenomenon after liposuction?

The biggest advantage of liposuction is that the probability of yo-yo phenomenon that occurs after dieting is very low because the layer of fat cells is directly removed.

However, it is difficult to completely remove fat. Because only the fat layer between the skin tissue and the muscle layer is removed, it is not possible to remove the fat located in the abdominal muscles and peritoneum, such as visceral fat.

In addition, it is good to know that fat is very bulky but not very specific, so the effect of body correction is excellent when removing localized fat, but the weight does not change significantly. In the case of abdominal visceral fat, which has a high specific gravity, it must be reduced through exercise and dietary control.

  • Is liposuction dangerous or painful?

When liposuction is performed, there may be pain if the range is widened, but it is tolerable and can be controlled with prescribed painkillers. Usually, during liposuction, many places are mechanically performed, but in this case, bleeding and pain can be severe. If there is a lot of bleeding, shock due to low blood pressure may occur, and there are side effects that the suction tube may leave scars on parts of the skin tissue and muscle tissue as the suction tube turns, causing the skin to become uneven.

As a way to reduce these side effects, bleeding and pain can be reduced through manual liposuction rather than mechanical liposuction. The handmade liposuction is a procedure that can only be performed by a specialist who has abundant knowledge of the anatomy between skin tissue and muscle and has extensive experience in direct clinical surgery. K-Line Plastic Surgery Clinic, which has extensive clinical experience in handmade liposuction, provides systematic body shape counseling through direct consultation with the representative director to suction and remove only the fat from the necessary areas to harmonize with the body shape.

#Liposuction side effects #Liposuction curious point #Korean liposuction #After liposuction

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