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eye surgeryBuried double eyelid surgery method that does not come off ~ Korean buried double eyelid

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Buried double eyelid surgery method that does not come off

Why do burial double eyelids come loose? Taehwan Kim, director of K-Line Plastic Surgery in Korea, will take the time to learn about the misunderstandings and truths about burial double eyelids. In addition, he will also tell you about the advantages of K-Line's burial double eyelid method.

  • Causes of burial double eyelids coming loose

Double eyelid surgery is the most popular surgery in plastic surgery, so there are many rumors about it compared to other surgeries. Since it is natural and not noticeable, many people are looking for it, and since the operation time is short, it is one of the less burdensome surgeries, so many surgeries have been performed from the beginning.

As much as the burial method, which has received a lot of attention from the beginning, and the number of surgeries, countless reviews of double eyelids have been introduced. Rumors of loosening spread, but there were some cases of loosening because there were many surgeries in the early stage of surgery, in the form of just pinching or suturing with a simple knot. Thanks to these reviews, rumors about the burial method had the advantage of being invisible, but words spread that there was a downside to being solved well.

However, recently, as surgical methods have begun to improve in the form of supplementing the disadvantages, the double knot and natural adhesion technology have been added, making the burial method one of the unsolvable surgeries. That's why more double eyelid surgeries are being done with the burial method. However, even so, if the burial method is applied to all double eyelids, it may look rather unnatural. Let's find out about that too.

  • Which eyelid should not be buried?

As mentioned above, the advantage of the burial method is that there is little swelling and it is natural, but if you see the points that are not resolved, anyone will want to do surgery with the burial method. However, there are eyelids that must be avoided even if the burial method has so many advantages that a specialist must be consulted when performing double eyelid surgery.

In cases where there are many wrinkles on the eyelids, eyes that keep falling down due to lack of strength, and not only fat but also too much muscle mass, if the burial method is used, the result may be awkward after surgery. Because the lines look thick like so-called sausage eyes, or awkward eyes in the form of overlapping wrinkles can appear, in the case of eyes with many wrinkles and drooping eyelids, you need to excise part of the skin tissue with wrinkles remaining to keep the eyes open well. Since it is possible to create double eyelids with cool eyes, it is preferable to perform the incision method at this time.

  • Korean K-Line Plastic Surgery's buried double eyelid method

For those who are worried about the burial method, which is the trend of double eyelid surgery these days, it will come undone. If you perform double eyelid surgery through the special 3.5.7 point knot method unique to K-Line Plastic Surgery, you can create natural double eyelids without worrying about coming undone. In the past, the double knot method, not the burial method, which was done with simple knots, eliminated the worry of unraveling, and added a natural adhesion procedure to make it more natural, so you can create beautiful, cool eyes that are not visible.

Above all, K-Line's burial double eyelid surgery is a fast recovery procedure that allows you to operate on Friday and go to work on Monday with less swelling and bruising. In addition, since the surgery is performed in consideration of harmony with the face so that the impression does not change after surgery, you can experience self-sufficient beauty eyes that do not show through.

Lastly, there must be some people who cannot perform surgery with the burial method because they have a lot of fat. I would like to inform you that you do not have to worry about this as a natural burial bud procedure is possible through non-incisional liposuction, one of K-Line's non-incisional burial procedures.

#Unremovableburialmethod #misunderstandingdoubleeyelidburialmethod #Gangnamdoubleeyelidburialmethod #burialmethod #Korea KLinePlasticSurgeryClinic

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